Welcome to

Kollel Toras Chaim

Preparing Avreichim to be Future Poskim for Klal Yisroel

Who We Are

A group of ambitious Avreichim who aspire to become leaders in Klal Yisroel. Through daily immersion in Shas and Poskim, Rishonim and Achronim, and under the leadership and guidence of Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis Shlita, Kollel Toras Chaim has set for itself the goal to train Avreichim to become well versed in Halacha while emphasizing the importance of profundity in reaching a Psak Halacha.

The Curriculum

Kollel Toras Chaim is structured to give talmidim the major tools needed to be poskim:

– A structured program of study halacha b’iyun in Shabbos, Taharas Hamishpacha and Kashrus.

– In depth tests in the iyun topics to train talmidim to analyze and answer intricate shaylos which are not explicitly described by the poskim.

– A structured program of halacha bekius in topics related to the iyun subjects.

– Emphasis and structure for self-motivated hasmada, avodas haklal, personal growth, interpersonal skills.

– Writing teshuvos every month on shaylos in thre iyun topics.

– Mandatory shimush from gedolei haposkim on the proper way to analyze halachic questions.

– Shiurim from visiting rabbanim on issues that come up in community rabbanus.

– A mussar program divided up into groups with a chaburah once a week from one member of each group.

– A weekly shiur from the Rosh Kollel presenting leadership tools and ethical parameters needed for leadership of Klal Yisrael.


Bosor b'Cholov

Taharas Habayis




The Rosh Kollel

Rabbi Travis’ passion is to train poskim to deal with the complicated questions that today’s world brings. He has learned the art of psak halacha and dealing with people through close relationships with fourteen Gedolei Yisrael, and recently published some of these experiences in the wildly popular “Encounters With Greatness”.